Sunday, December 29, 2013

Art, Music, and Monkey Business

If one thousand monkeys type for one thousand years on one thousand typewriters, will the produce Shakespeare as the result of some fluke of statistics? While this thought experiment's origins are said to be an argument of evolution vs intelligent design, the image of a room full of monkeys tapping away at keyboards has taken on a life of its own since then. Although it's a favorite visual of comedy writers (“It was the best of times, it was the "blurst" of times'? You stupid monkey!”) the idea of the next best seller being written by a primate isn't solely the domain of sitcoms- in 2003 a group at the University of Plymouth gave a computer and keyboard to six celebes crested macaques with a radio link connecting it to a website that would show their progress.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sunset Zoo: An Idyllic Small Town Park

Manhattan's Sunset Zoo is an idyllic small town zoological park, nestled deep in the Flint Hills. The zoo is more than just beautiful, though. From the beginning it embraced the natural cycle, creating life out of death.