Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Lottery, circa 1999

I have this memory from high school. It was English class, I'm pretty sure it was my sophomore year. We had just read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson- I think anyone who has ever taken an English Literature class knows the one I'm talking about. A town gathers in a yearly ritual, one who's form and purpose has been mostly forgotten. Each family draws lots, and one family draws the piece of paper marked with a black spot. That family draws again amongst themselves- even little Davy. And then Mrs Hutchinson, matriarch of her family, screams that "It isn't fair, it isn't right," as her village, her friends, her family, take up rocks to stone her to death.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pink: an essay on masculinity, feminism, and putting my money where my mouth is.

This isn't the blog post that I had set out to write this week, but sometimes that's how things go. So instead of of finishing the thing I started about the Conscious Discipline system and how kids are like super villains, I'm writing about pink instead. No, not the Aerosmith song. No, not the punk rocker either. Pink pink. Like the color.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Birdemic 2: In Which I Continue Doing This To Myself

My last post was about the first Birdemic film, and why it was so awful that it made me question whether there is anything good in the world and if free will is just an illusion. So is there any reason to watch Birdemic: Shockingly Terrible? Only one- Birdemic 2: The Resurrection gets a LOT funnier if you've seen the first one. The bad effects, the characters defending themselves with hangers, the bird calls that defy any known ornithology- it's all back, and they've doubled down.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Birdemic: Shock and Terror

I watched the Birdemic series for Bad Movie Monday the last two weeks, and... good grief, where do I even begin describing these movies. Well, I suppose I start at the beginning with Birdemic: Shock and Terror. What is there to say about the film? Not much, actually. Certainly nothing good.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

2014-04-20 Easter Bunnies

Somebody was waiting for me when I got home! I haven't found any candy or eggs yet, they must have hidden them really well...

Announcing Project 52

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to start writing again. I enjoy sharing my ideas, and once I get the flow started I find writing to be a lot of fun. But, as is probably apparent from the date on the last post, updates haven't been happening for awhile. I know, a resolution that hasn't been kept. You're all shocked and appalled, I'm sure.


A new project, one inspired in part by my friend Gabriel's "Project 157". Project 157 is 157 short stories, each 157 words long. But he's a better writer than I am, and my goal is just to start writing on a regular basis again, so I am instead proud to announce "Project 52"- 52 posts (one a week) of at least 52 words. What will they be? Who knows! Reviews of places I've been, random musings, maybe just 10 bad jokes in a row. All I can guarantee is they'll be 52 words long (or more) and they'll be posted here every week.

Stay tuned, folks.