Sunday, April 20, 2014

Announcing Project 52

One of my New Year's Resolutions this year was to start writing again. I enjoy sharing my ideas, and once I get the flow started I find writing to be a lot of fun. But, as is probably apparent from the date on the last post, updates haven't been happening for awhile. I know, a resolution that hasn't been kept. You're all shocked and appalled, I'm sure.


A new project, one inspired in part by my friend Gabriel's "Project 157". Project 157 is 157 short stories, each 157 words long. But he's a better writer than I am, and my goal is just to start writing on a regular basis again, so I am instead proud to announce "Project 52"- 52 posts (one a week) of at least 52 words. What will they be? Who knows! Reviews of places I've been, random musings, maybe just 10 bad jokes in a row. All I can guarantee is they'll be 52 words long (or more) and they'll be posted here every week.

Stay tuned, folks.

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